Home / English Version / The Powerpuff Girls / Episode List
Episode List

The episodes of POWERPUFF GIRLS are of 22 minutes with two chapters in each one, or in certain occasions one alone.
* Emitted in world Premiere toons"

Pilot Chapters
PILOTO Meat Fuzzy Lumpinks*
PILOTO Crime 101*
1-° Season
001 - A Monkey See Doggy Do
001 - B Mommy Fearest
002 - A Insect Inside
002 - B Powerpuff Bluff
003 - A Octi Evil
003 - B Geshundfight
004 - A Buttercrush
004 - B Fuzzy Logic
005 - A Boogie Frights
005 - B Abra Cadaver
006 - A Telephonies
006 - B Tough Love
007 - A Major Competition
007 - B Mr. Mojo's Rising
008 - A Paste Makes Waste
008 - B Ice Sore
009 - A Bubblevicious
009 - B The Bare Facts
010 - A Cat Man Do
010 - B Impeach Fuzz
011 - A Just Another Manic Mojo
011 - B Mime For A Change
012 The Rowdyruff Boys
013 Uh Oh Dynamo
2-° Season
014 - A Stuck Up, Up And Away
014 - B School House Rocked
015 - A Birthday Bash
015 - B Too Pooped To Puff
016 - A Collect Her
016 - B Supper Villain
017 - A Beat Your Greens
017 - B Down N' Dirty
018 - A Dream Scheme
018 - B You Snooze, You Lose
019 - A Slave The Day
019 - B Los Dos Mojos
020 - A A Very Special Blossom
020 - B Daylight Savings
021 - A Speed Demon
021 - B The Powerpuff Girls Best Rainy Day Adventure Ever 
022 Criss Cross Crisis 
023 - A Imaginary Fiend
023 - B Pet Feud 
024 - A Mojo Jonesin'
024 - B Just Desserts 
025 - A Twisted Sister
025 - B Cover Up 
026 - A Cootie Gras
026 - B Mo Job 

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